What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the natural healing system dating back to 3,000 BC. Etymologically speaking, the Sanskrit term “Ayurveda” is composed of two words ‘Ayu’ and ‘Veda’ Ayu means life and Veda means knowledge or science. So the two words combine meaning ‘the science of life’ or ‘the knowledge about life’ or ‘a sensible way of living.’

Ayurveda is the knowledge that indicates the appropriate and inappropriate in life, the happy and the sorrowful condition of living, what is auspicious or inauspicious for longevity as well as the measure of life itself.

Ayurveda embraces all aspects of well being of living creatures - physically, mentally and spiritually.

According to Ayurveda, health is not merely considered to be a state of freedom from ailments or diseases, but rather a state of enjoying uninterrupted physical, mental and spiritual happiness and fulfillment.

Ayurveda originated as part of Vedic science. This is an integral spiritual science devised to give a comprehensive understanding of the entire Universe. See more by researching Samkhya philosophy.


Amrita Bindu


Unique Features of Ayurveda