IIN Circle of Life Tool

The IIN Circle of Life tool is a wonderful way to explore and assess each of the 12 areas of primary food. Noting areas that are balanced creates an opportunity to celebrate what’s working well for you, while actively focusing on areas that feel out of balance can infuse more satisfaction into your life. Remember that your Circle of Life won’t look like anyone else’s; primary food is highly bio-individual and your needs will shift over time, so return to this tool as often as you’d like.

  1. Spirituality

  2. Creativity

  3. Finances

  4. Career

  5. Education

  6. Health

  7. Physical Activity

  8. Home Cooking

  9. Home Environment

  10. Relationships

  11. Social Life

  12. Joy

Visit the interactive tool HERE - how fulfilled do you feel in each of these areas in your life. From this you will know where you need to focus in order to feel completely fulfilled and content.


My Nutrition Journey